
TeleDermatoScopy is a part of TeleDermatology, mostly used to examine smaller skin lesions and trace potential malignancy in the early stadium. This method is simple and quick, as your GP may contact the specialist for advice and you are not required to visit the hospital for examination. Any following treatment remains in our practice.

The procedure
Your GP is going to take at least three photos – one with the general clinical view of the part of the body where the lesion has appeared, one detailed clinical photo on the macro level and finally a photo with the close-up of the lesion. These photos are then sent via secured link including other relevant information to dermatologist for further evaluation.

After evaluating sent images, dermatologist gives diagnosis and proposes the treatment. In a separate consultation, your GP will present you this advice and propose a treatment plan.
Remote consultations with the specialists (TeleConsultation), where TeleDermatology and TeleDermatoScopy are forms of, are not excluded from the obligatory deductible. However, these check-ups take place in our practice and you avoid higher costs of hospital examination.